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时间:2023-04-15 16:24:35 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名


Pretending not to care is the worst possessiveness.


Development is a day when I love life without development. I am living seriously.

三,最近不爱发朋友圈了 因为想说话的人就在身边。

I don't like to make friends recently because people who want to talk are around.


Clean circle, regular life, simple love for favorite people.


This winter, people who love you are on their way day and night.

六,没有人会消失 大家都只和自己想念的人联系。

No one will disappear. Everyone only contacts the people they miss.


I am used to the gentleness of mass production, so I am particularly tempted by clumsy sincerity

八,当你什么事都愿意跟我说的时候 就是我最有安全感的时候。

I feel most secure when you are willing to tell me everything.

九,这是一个让人眼花缭乱的世界 所以短暂又不诚恳的喜欢不必表达。

This is a dazzling world, so short and insincere likes don't have to be expressed

十,他的离开会告诉你 你会遇到更优秀的人 这个世界并不缺少优秀的人。

His departure will tell you that you will meet better people. There is no shortage of good people in the world

十一,折磨你的 从来不是任何人的绝情 而是你的心存幻想的期待。

It's never anyone's unrequited love that torments you, but your imaginary expectations

十二,属于你的位置我会一直就给你 来是你的事 等不等是你的事。

I'll always give you your place. It's your business not to come back. It's your business to wait

十三,这世上总会有措不及防的再见和毫无留恋的散场 当然也会有突如其来的遇见和始料未及的喜欢所以到哪里都好 你只管全力以赴。

In this world, there will always be unexpected goodbye and no nostalgia. Of course, there will also be unexpected encounters and unexpected likes, so wherever you go, you just go all out


mportant people don't need to rely on chatting all the time to maintain relationships

十五,不经意的差别对待 真是让人疯狂心动。

Inadvertent discrimination is really crazy

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