
在这里,教大家多个祝贺语的中英版本,这个新年不用再只说「Happy New Year(新年快乐)」了。

学之前,必须记得「猪年」是用「Year of the Pig」,因为当中是意指「屋下的猪」,所以用「Boar」和「swine」皆不适合。


恭喜发财:Happy New Year或直接音译Gung Hay Fat Choy

万事如意:Whatever you wish, you get it/Fulfill your wishes

财源广进:Bounteous wealth

四季平安:Peace throughout the year/Yearlong peace


金猪报喜/金猪颂春:Golden pig brings good tidings

猪运亨通:Best of luck in the Pig Year

猪笼入水:Bounteous wealth

猪(家)肥屋润:May your home be filled with a richness of riches

猪(金)玉满堂:Prosperity abounds

猪(珠)圆玉润:小编提醒大家,祝人「圆润」,即使意思是「肥得漂亮」也未必人人接受到,还是用Wish you shine with elegance较好!