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【相信的英语微信名字怎么说】区分和分析| believe、trust、confide和rely

时间:2023-03-16 06:08:28 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名


Believe :通用术语经常表示缓和和不确定的语气。

Strangely,no one believed us when we told them we ' d been visited by a creature from mars .

奇怪的是,当我们告诉他们有火星人来访时,没有人相信。he believes that all children are born with equal intelligence .

他相信孩子们出生时智商相同。She's arriving tomorrow,I believe。

我相信她明天会到达。Is she coming alone?' we believe not/so(=we think she is not/is). '

“她一个人来吗?”“我不这么认为/是的。单击I believe her to be the finest violinist in the world。

我相信她是世界上最好的小提琴手。All the crew are missing,believed dead。

据悉,乘务员都失踪了,已经死亡。Trust :是指绝对相信或信任某人。

My sister warned me not to trust him .

我姐姐警告我不要相信他。Trust me-I know about these things。

相信我——我理解这些。Trust your instincts,and do what you think is right。

相信你的直觉,做你认为正确的事。I don ' t trust air travel-it ' s unnatural。

我不能相信航空旅行——不符合自然规律。I trust him to make the right decision .

我相信他能做出正确的决定。That man is not to be trusted .

那个人不可靠。I wouldn't trust him with my car。

我不会把我的车交给他。some times you have to trust in the goodness of human nature。

有时候你只能希望人性的善良。however much you plan an expedition like this,you still have to trust to luck to a certain extent .

这种探险不管你准备得多仔细,在某种程度上你还是要靠运气。Confide :注重忠诚度和可靠性。

it is important to have some one you can confide in。

有知心朋友很重要。Rely :是基于信任的可靠性。

British weather can never be relied on-it ' s always changing .

英国的天气一直不能相信——,总是变化无常。don ' t rely on finding me here when you get back(=I might have gone)。


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