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时间:2023-03-06 07:02:49 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名


1my name is yang hui . I ' m married . my husband is " Mr . " Liu . you can call me " ms . " yang or。



get/be married (to sb)(与某人结婚)

She got married to an explorer。


玛丽某人。to sb。和某人结婚。让某人和某人结婚。

they married their daughter to a doctor。他们把女儿嫁给了医生。

marry不能和介词with一起使用,get married和marry不能表示连续

将be married与持续时间一起使用。

How long have they been married?



2 three years ago,Ms. Liu began teaching。三年前,刘老师开始了教育。

2.1begin doing和begin to do的区别3360

意思不同的话,begin doing开始或正在做某事。Begin to do开始做某事。

用法不同的:begin doing是指做某事的第一步、第一步行动或第一部分,强调某种状态的“开始”,特别是缓慢的开始。也可以用活动、任务、机器作为主语来表示移动或移动的状态。

Begin to do用法:使用当前时间表示未来,在进行中时表示“逐渐开始”、“即将开始”等。

I will begin to do!我要开始了!

begin doing和begin to do一般可以互换,但在以下三种情况下只能使用to do。


It began to rain。

begin继承了表示心理活动的词。示例:begin to know believe/wonder/think等。

begin本身是ing格式,为了避免重复,to do,即beginning to do

注:doing通常有做的意思,to do通常有准备做的意思,所以doing开始做,但to do开始做,但还没有做。(阿尔伯特爱因斯坦,美国作家)。

3 ms . Liu is my favourite teacher . she is a beautiful lady,and there is always a smile on her face。刘老师是我最喜欢的老师。她是个漂亮的女人,而且她脸上总是带着微笑。

3.1 a smile on one's face脸上带着微笑。Smile可以数名词、微笑和微笑。

4 she doesn ' t just give us the answers。她不只是给我们答案。


5 she is patient with us and gives us enough time to think in class。


5.1be patient with sb。对某人要有耐心

5.2give sb。enough time to do sth。给某人足够的时间做某事。

6.she encourages us to find the answers by ourselves。


6.1encourage sb。to do sth。鼓励某人做某事。

6.2by oneself单独、单独、独立。

7 we often discuss things in groups and then give our report to the class

7.1discuss things讨论

7.2 in groups集团

7.3give a/the report to sb。向某人报告。

8she is very knowledge able about English。她有丰富的英语知识。

8.1be knowledgeable about sth。对某事有见识。

9 some times she plays nice music on the piano。有时她用钢琴演奏美妙的音乐。

用9.1play the music on the piano钢琴演奏音乐。

10.The students all enjoy her class。学生们都喜欢她的课。

10.1enjoy sth。喜欢某样东西。

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