主语+vary between……and,表示:在……和……之间,(主语)是不同或不等(变化)。

1. 如果vary后面接的是 A and B, A, B and C 之类含有连词 and 的词组,原则上应用 between。

Class numbers vary between 25 and 30.


Attitudes vary between individuals, societies, and cultures.


Her feelings varied between joy and fear as she watched him fight. 当她观看他拳击的时候,时而喜悦,时而担心。

The hopes,goals,fears and desiresvary widely between men and women,between the rich and the poor.


Beam heights vary between 500 and 600 mm, and widths vary between 200 and 250 mm.


Academic collaboration rates and citation associations vary substantially between countries and fields.


The data varies between 16 % and more than 20 %.

数据 在百分之16-百分之20之间波动。

Does farm worker health vary between localised and globalised food supply systems?


2.如果vary后面接的是一个复数名词,按理说应该用 among,但事实上也经常用介词 between(表示“每两者之间”)。如:

Average IQ scores tend to vary between countries.


Salary scales vary between states / from state to state / according to state / with each state. 工资高低各州 / 一个州与另一州 / 视所在的州 / 各个州不同。(《《剑桥国际英语词典》》)

Services offered vary among the main high street banks. 各大商业银行提供的服务不尽相同。(《牛津英语搭配词典》)

Diet varies between different countries in the world.


The proportion of single parent families varies between different income groups.


Causes of suicide vary between different people, reports the People's Daily.
