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时间:2023-03-11 19:23:46 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名

1.not know what to say

she ' s so rude . I don ' t know what to say。


2.have no language

I have no language.Nobody can change him.我无语了,没人能改变他。


We are worldless because of the failure.由于失败,我们都无语。

4.say nothing

We all said nothing and left angrily.我们都无语,生气地离开了。

5.No words to say

No words to say,then he sat there on the chair.没有说什么,他就坐在椅子上。

6.without talking

They walked and walked without talking on the way.他们走啊走,一路无语。

7.without saying anything

He looked at me for a long time without saying anything.他看了我很久,什么也没说。


What he said made us shocked and speechless.他说的话让我们震惊无语。


All students are silent in the classroom.教室里所有的学生静悄悄的。

All students are sitting silently in the classroom.所有的学生静悄悄坐在教室里。

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