
I need an assistant!

A: ...like I told you before, we just don’t have the resources to hire you an assistant.

B: I Understand that, but the fact is we’re understaffed.

A: The timing is just not right. The economy is bad, and it’s too risky to take on new staff.

B: Yeah, I guess you’re right. here’s an idea, what if we hire an intern? She would take some of the weight off my shoulders.

A: She?

B: Yeah, you know, a recent graduate. She could give me a hand with some of these projects and we could keep our costs down.

A: That sounds reasonable. let me see what I can do.

A: Tony, I’d like to introduce you to your new assistant.

B: OK, great! Let’s meet her!

C: Hi, I’m Adam.

B: Oh... hi... I’m Tony...


A: ...like I told you before, ↘we just don’t have the resources to hire you an assistant.↘

B: I understand that, ↘but the fact is we’re understaffed. ↘

A: The timing is just not right. ↘The economy is bad,↗ and it’s too risky to take on new staff.↘

B: Yeah, I guess you’re right. Here’s an idea, ↗what if we hire an intern? She would take some of the weight off my shoulders.↗

A: She?↗

B: Yeah, you know, a recent graduate. ↗She could give me a hand with some of these projects↗ and we could keep our costs down.↘

A: That sounds reasonable.↘↗ Let me see what I can do.↘

A: Tony,↗ I’d like to introduce you to your new assistant.↘

B: OK, great! Let's meet her!↘

C: Hi, I’m Adam.↘

B: Oh... hi... I’m Tony...↘

Key Vocabulary





not enough people to do the job

3.the timing is just not right

it is not a good time now

4.weight off my shoulders

remove pressure or stress

5.give me a hand


6.that sounds reasonable

is OK





working too much

3.short staffed

not enough people to do the job

4.cut costs

reduce spending


having too many employees


1. but the fact is...

2.Here's an idea.

3.That sounds reasonable

4.Let me see what I can do.

5.l'd like to introduce you to ...

6.Let's meet her!


1.like 口语中可以连接句子

◆Like l told you before, ...

2. hire sb+职位名称

◆hire you an assistant

3.understaffed adj.人手不足的

◆ Understaffed means that they don't have enough people working there.

◆Now, his group's focus has shifted to training young men to help understaffed local police patrol their communities.


Understaffing n.人手不足

◆Trade unions blamed understaffing for the error that led to the child's death, saying there were not enough trained nurses for the unit.


4. timing 时间选择;时间控制



◆ In the game of love, as in comedy, timing, they say, is everything.


◆One timing system comes from the evidence of our senses and stomachs,and the periodicity we experience when living in a particular time zone.


◆How accurate should l do the timing?那么计时时我要达到怎样的精度?

5.The timing is just not right.不是时候。

◆l was gonna sell my house, but the timing is just not right.

◆-Honey, l think we should have a baby.

-The timing is just not right.

6. take on 聘用,承担,呈现出

◆He's spoken to a publishing company. They're going to take him on.


◆No other organization was able or willing to take on the job.没有任何其他组织能够或愿意承担这项工作。

◆Believing he had only a year to live, his writing took on a feverish intensity.他认为自己只有一年能活了,他的文字呈现出一种极度的狂热。

◆This is a brief stop to take on passengers and water.


◆Democrats were reluctant to take on a president whose popularity ratings were historically high.


take something on/upon yourself 擅自决定做

◆Knox had taken it on himself to choose the wine.诺克斯已擅自主张选了这种葡萄酒。

◆He took upon himself the responsibility for protecting her.他自作主张承担起保护她的责任。

7.take some of the weight off my shoulders= take some of my work away from me

8. recent graduate应届毕业生

◆A mom of a recent graduate attended a college alumni career networking event with her daughter.


9.give me a hand (with...)帮助

“Give me a hand" is another way of saying "help” or"to help out".

◆Can you give me a hand with these boxes?

◆Neil, I'll need you to give me a hand with this sales report.

◆Here, let me give you a hand with your suitcase.

10.keep the cost down减少支出

◆Many companies control how much printing you do to keep the costs down of paper.