


The handbag is very beautiful

Handbag英 ['hændbæɡ] 美 ['hændbæɡ] n. 手提包

1/ 构成 composition

Handbag=hand+bag / 手 +包 =手提包

2/例句 examples

用作名词 (n.)

She was carrying a buffalo hide handbag.她拎著一个牛皮手提包。

Do you mind if I open your handbag and check?我打开你的手提包检查一下行吗?

3/continuation 拓展

Hand: hand in hand, 手拉手

a willing hand :对工作不挑剔的人 a man who expresses satisfaction

an iron hand:铁腕人物 a man who controls the country

ask for a (lady's) hand:向女人求婚 ask for sb as wife

at hand:在手边,在附近,即将来临 near in time or place

at first hand:直接地,第一手地 by direct personal experience, or that another person

at second hand:间接地 indirectly

bind hand and foot:捆住手脚,使受束缚 bind both the hands and feet of sb; make sb unable to do anything
bring up by hand:用奶瓶喂大 feed an animal that has no mother so that it can live and grow
bring sb ⇔ up by hand

by hand:用手;亲自 using one's hand; in person

change hands:转手 go from the possession of one person to that of another

come to hand:到手; 收到 be received or obtained

deal with from a weak hand:做得不得力 not do well on sth
deal with sth from a weak hand

dirty one's hands:败坏自己的人格 lower or hurt one's character or good name

don't know what to do with one's hands :手足无措 be seized with panic

eat out of one's hand :〈非正〉服服帖帖; 不给人惹麻烦 believe or obey sb without question; give sb no trouble

fight hand to hand:短兵相接,打肉搏战 fight with enemies very near

fling up one's hands:失去一切希望 lose all hopes

fold one's hands:双臂在胸前合抱 bring one's arms together and cross them over one's chest

force sb's hand:迫使(某人)做不愿做的事 force sb to do what he dislikes to

get the upper hand (of):压倒,制服 get control of power over sb/sth difficult

give sb a free hand:让某人放手干 allow sb to do things in his or her own way

give one's hand to:与…结婚 marry

grab sb's hand:抓住某人的手 catch sb by the hand

grasp sb's hands:握着某人的手 shake sb's hands

hand in glove:亲密地 very close or friendly

hand in hand:手拉手; 密切合作 closely connected; accompanying each other

hand over fist:大量而快速地 of making or losing money in great quantity and at great speed

have a hand in:参与,有关系 join in; have a relation with sth

have one's hands full:非常忙 be fully occupied; be very busy

have the game in one's hands:有必胜的把握 be sure of success

hold one's hand:不忍心 be not hardhearted

hold sb's hand:帮助某人 help sb

in hand:在手中,有关系 having a connection

in one's own hands:在某人自己手中 control sth oneself

join hands with:与…携手合作; 显示出与…的友谊 make a show of friendship with sb such as another nation

lay one's hands on:动手打人 hit sb by hand

lend a hand:〈口〉帮助,援助 help; assist
live from hand to mouth:挣一点吃一点; 仅够糊口 live without saving for the future; have just enough

many hands make light work:人多好办事 many people do thing that everyone is light

on every hand:从各个方面 on all hand

on hand:在手边,在附近; 在场 near in time or place; at present

on the other hand:另一方面 as one point in the argument

out of hand :终于 in the end

out of sb's hand:不再由某人负责掌握 sb doesn't charge again

play into sb's hands:助人损己; 给人可乘之机 do sth which gives one's opponents an advantage; be or do sth that another person can use against you; help an opponent against yourself

play one's hand:耍手腕 trick

poke one's hand:伸手 dig one's hand into

press sb's hand:握手shake hands with sb

put one's hand to:着手做; 开始做 start working at; try to do

raise a/one's hand to:体罚,打人be physically threaten

raise one's hand:举手 lift hand

reach one's hand across:把手伸过… stretch out a hand across sth

reach out a/one's hand:伸出手 stretch forward a hand

To fight hand in hand

remove one's hand from:把手从…拿开 take hand away from sth

request sb's hand in marriage:向某人求婚ask for a lady's hand

rest on one of one's hands:支撑在一只手上 lean on one of one's hands; be supported by one of one's hands

rub one's hands:搓手 move one hand backwards and forwards on the other hand

rule with a firm hand:用铁的手腕来统治或管理 govern sth such as a group in a very severe way

set one's own hand to:亲手处理 do sth oneself

shake hands with:和…握手 grasp sb's hands

sit on one's hands:拒绝工作 refuse to work

take in hand:把…管起来 put sb/sth under control
try one's hand at:试图去做 try to do sth

turn one's hand to:着手做; 开始做 start working at; try to do

wait on sb's hand and foot:伺候(某人) serve sb

wash one's hands of:退出,不过问 withdraw from or refuse to be responsible for

win hands down :轻易地获得 win easily

用作动词 (v.)

hand back (v.+adv.) :交还 return; give back
hand down (v.+adv.) :正式宣布,正式宣判 deliver; pronounce formally
hand in (v.+adv.):把…扶上车 assist to get up with the hand aboard a car

hand it to (v.+pron.+prep.): 敬佩 respect sb

hand off (v.+adv.) :用手推开某人 push sb away with the hand
hand on (v.+adv.): 传下来,传给下一代 hand down; pass down
hand out (v.+adv.): 居住 live
hand over (v.+adv.):让予,移交 give control or possession of; give sth to another person; transfer power, control, responsibility. etc.

hand round〔around〕 (v.+adv.):把…递给; 分发给众人 distribute among a gathering

hand up (v.+adv.):上交,呈交 deliver up

Is this your handba

我们可以从handbag 这个单词中找hand “手”这个简单的关键性单词,再由hand来组合更多的词组。
